Video Slot Machines - Best Offer in Casinos

To begin with, it is necessary to say that all slot machines are the games of pure chance. The gamblers cannot do anything in order to customize the outcomes. The video slot machines are run with the help of computer programs. Such programs ensure that with the lapse of time casinos will always win. But in a short term the player can win or lose.


Some dates from slot history are attention-getting.

1887 - The creation of first slot machine by Charles Fey.

1964 - The appearance of electro-mechanical slot machines ("Money Honey").

1975 - The creation of video screen game "Fortune Coin" by Walt Fraley.

1979 - The growing popularity of video poker game.

Mechanics of the Game

When the gambler presses the spin button the slot machine shows the spinning reels. Actually the result has already been defined. The random number generator determines the stop position and the symbols for each slot reel. After the stopping of the reels the gamblers can see the results - winning or loss.

Random Outcomes

The symbol combinations are chosen independently by random number generator. Every spin of a reel has nothing in common with the previous one. Each reel spin has the same winning odds. It is possible of course that someone can win several jackpots in a row. And this fact do not depend was the game just paid out or it has not payouts for a couple of weeks.


The positions of symbols on the virtual reels never change. They have a permanent position that can guarantee a correct payout percentage.

Betting Systems

Nowadays it is possible to find a lot of betting systems sellers online. They pretend to that they can help to beat slot gaming machines. But in reality they are useless. It is impossible to predict the outcome of random number generator.

Slot rules

Learn how to play slots - find out what are reels, paytables, levers and so on and so forth. Master gaming skills before you start playing the game for cash.

All the rules for playing slot machines explained in this article.

Slot strategies

To help you learn how to win slots we have collected most used slots strategies for newbies as well as professional players of slot machines. Learn all of them to use all chances to win slots.

Learn the most common slot strategies and special unique winning techniques by for playing at casino online.

Slot myths

Have you ever wondered how many myths and false strategies there are for your favorite games? In our article dedicated to slots myths you will learn most common ones for slots. Check whether your strategy is not in our list of most popular myths.